There are a number of different water treatment technologies employed for industrial water treatment today. With each of the different systems, there are both benefits and problems that can arise from the various technologies used. It is essential to understand what issues might arise when selecting a system so that you can take steps to prevent or mitigate future problems.

Raw water treatment systems are designed to treat rain, ground, well, lake, and river water. The very nature of the water sources allows for a fluctuation in raw water characteristics. Variable turbidity levels, flow rate, feed chemistry, quality requirements, and secondary waste are all issues that will need to be dealt with when using a raw water treatment system.

Boiler feedwater treatment systems are designed to remove specific contaminants. The more common issues that impact boiler feedwater treatment systems are corrosion, foaming, priming, sludge, and scale buildup.

Cooling tower water treatment systems are utilized to remove contaminants found in feed, circulation, and blowdown water that, if not removed, would cause damage to cooling tower components affecting energy efficiency, which causes excess blowdown, a diminished cycle of concentration, the need for secondary waste disposal and water scarcity.

Wastewater treatment systems convert spent streams for reuse or discharge. This is an individualized process based on regional standards. Areas of concern are high biochemical oxygen demand, high nitrate or phosphate levels, oil or grease in the waste stream, high discharge volume, and difficulty navigating changing compliance regulations.Diamond Water Systems is a leading provider of water filtration systems for industrial, municipal, and commercial applications. To learn more about our products and services, visit our products page or call us now to discuss which type of industrial water treatment system will best meet your needs.

Diamond Water Systems