Deciding what type of filter is best for your filtration needs can be quite confusing. Today we will compare five types of filters and the benefits of each so that you can make an informed decision as to which filter is suitable for you.

Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon filters are commonly referred to as carbon filters or pre-filters and are a good option when your goal is to remove large particles of sediment and silt from your water. During the filtration process, the particles are attracted and absorbed, eliminating them from the water stream coming out of the faucet. An activated carbon filter also diminishes offensive odors and tastes better by reducing the amount of chlorine and other contaminants.

Alkaline Water Ionizers

Alkaline water ionizers utilize electrolysis to purify water. The water passes over electrically charged plates, separating them into two streams during the process – one alkaline and the other acidic – resulting in softer water with a low acidity that is considered beneficial to the skin. Alkaline water is believed to offer health benefits, including bone health, minimizing cancer, diminishing acid reflux, lowering blood pressure, improved immunity, better digestion, weight loss, and promotes overall improved energy levels.

Infrared Filters

Using technology similar to the alkaline filter, infrared filters help soften water through the use of heat and light to negatively charge the water resulting in a change in the molecular charge of the water. This technology is recommended for especially hard water and produces softer, alkaline water.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is one of the most popular means to filter water. RO membranes filter out contaminant particles, including sediments, dissolved salts, radiation contamination, and microorganisms known to affect health adversely. Reverse osmosis also produces clear and odor-free water using one of the safest methods for purifying water available today.

Ultraviolet Filters

Ultraviolet filters are among the latest technologies available in the water filtration market. The filtration process relies on the use of a germicidal ultraviolet wavelength to treat the water. The UV light is known to destroy bacteria, viruses, and cysts adverse to good health. This is also the most environmentally friendly way of purifying water because no chemicals or heat are used during the process.Diamond Water Systems is a leading provider of water filtration systems for industrial, municipal, and commercial applications. To learn more about our products and services, visit our products page or call us now for a consultation on water filter options to fit your needs.

Diamond Water Systems